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Kawaii Cool Camp


Fiber Arts Schedule 


Camp Overview

Get ready for the cutest camp of the summer! Students will explore the art that surrounds the Japanese term “Kawaii,” which loosely translates to “cuteness.” Characterized by turning everyday objects into wide-eyed fictional characters, your child most likely already has a Kawaii-inspired piece of clothing, stickers, or toy at home. We will be celebrating all things tiny and adorable, creating our own Kawaii characters to draw, sculpt, paint and inspire our own plushie and wearable art!   


Campers will begin each day playing outside at Richmond Park.  At 9am we will move to Radiate to begin our Art adventures.  Campers will build and create their own amazing masterpieces, eat snack and lunch until 12pm. In the afternoon a school bus will take kids out into the community to swim, hike, and enjoy the great outdoors . Campers will return to Richmond Elementary School for pick up by 3:30 PM each day most days.

The camp is designed for students 6-14 years old to explore and challenge themselves. Campers will have fun building, creating and making as well as participating in group experiments and activities - learning together.  Students will also have ample time to play outside.


Please have your child bring the following items to camp.  Each camper will have a bin to store their supplies in and feel free to leave them at school.   Lastly, your child will need to bring their own lunch each day.  Please email me at if you have questions.


  • Lunch & Snacks

  • Water Bottle

  • Sunscreen

  • Extra set of clothes/socks

  • Extra set of shoes/sandals

  • Bathing suit or something that can get wet.

  • Sweatshirt

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